
Read, Rot, and Assimilate

A Brief Failure of a Poem After Intense Writer's Block

Although everything I write will always be centered around similar themes and similar imagery, this one feels, in retrospect, to be a sort of final little closing chapter in response to the last two poems I wrote. A centipede runs through it all, as does love - or lack thereof. This was cobbled together painfully from small bursts of semi-conscious writing and random bits of imagery that occasionally, without warning, grafted themselves onto my brain. There's more, but I chopped it all away. Butchered in small chunks in dark corners of my room possibly to be revisited and molded into some other Frankenstein monstrosity of pitiful expression at some unspecified date in the future. That is all.  William Burrough's last journal entry before his death   No Painkiller Machines dissolving into bouts of organ-pink steam  Falling apart in forgotten pockets of earth  Snow screams out of blown-out tires My car, in suspended dismantling  Surging impossible light like a moa...
  I Woke Up to Find Myself Elderly and Abandoned Phosphorescent cockroaches scurry  Hard against the edge of a shattered clock face Desolate and silent Hours wrapped up in chemical wind Disintegrating into the surrounding desert sea, Ink-dripping hands, forced into broken staircases Point up desperately   At the graying, consuming borderline  A widening threshold in the night sky  Cut up and folded back, Vestigial bits of future leak out Into melted clay present dreams  Molding around my eyelids, The winding, personalized abyss above  Calling my name Is riddled with bite marks, Accidental bruises, And incessantly itching scabs  From all the times  I had to crawl my way out.  Moonlight still burns fire That seeps into my tumorous Rapidly aging flesh.  Every fading star merely another corpse, A constellation of someones  I’ve all unrightfully lost, All free-falling through this universal emptiness Their spoiling meat and sna...