Unsuccesfully Coping with the Nonsense of Existence
It has, YET AGAIN, been too long since I've managed to write anything at all. This one just sort of happened; like a car running over a tiny animal that seemed to have suddenly appeared in the middle of the road. I'm much too tired to explain anything or say anything relating to my current mental state. This poem is a mess, it's terrible, it's nonsensical, it is like all of the rest. Make of it what you will, because I haven't a clue. That is all. I hope I can sleep and stay asleep forevermore.
Kalte Sternenkinder
Murder of angels
Rearranged and mutilated
Planetary surgical clamps
Spreading open the chaotic center,
Unspooling celestial flesh
Cascading down
Amniotic staircases
Stretching out through the necrotic wounds
Scabbed over in space,
Through the threshold of once silent,
Primordial nonexistence,
Boiling and bulging with hideous new pregnancies
From the molested, defiled cracks
Lining the unfathomable depths
Of the anemic ocean floor.
Something pale and bloodless
Washes ashore,
Under a dreamless, scarred heaven,
First steps on this planet’s land
Out from the expanding gas cloud
Of ageless decomposition
Crawls forth a newly orphaned cadaver
Dancing in spastic, uncanny movements
Swinging on pulpy puppet strings,
A perpetuating confusion of its form
And its new mangled, purposeless life
Underneath a sardonically mocking
Graveyard sky.
Umbral razor blades
Swiftly pulls, rips, and tears
At all the locked-jaw screaming faces
Surfacing the moon,
A disastrous astral bloodletting,
A nonsense ritual to siphon
Churning, uncertain, falsely conscious darkness
From the long-dead stars
Into the promised rot festering in our
Newly awakened bones.
There was never any possibility of control.
Unwantedly reanimated stillbirth
Caged behind a biogenetic silicon
And IV-operated iron maiden,
Through shining toothless gums
In between incomprehensible shrieks
And bone-snapping convulsions,
Leaks heaving, veiny torrents
Of great walls of meat,
Filling up all our empty oceans and menstrual pools
Of near-exploding collective consciousness
Where all human life
Shamefully preserves its existence
And conversely acts in the grand Guignol
Of its eon long suicide.
Even though the metal gridwork
Has long since rusted,
The iron maiden’s spikes dripping
With brand-new created infections,
Cage bars swelling with infinite decay,
Maggots of dead epochs and floods
Of plastic and microchips,
Future anxiety and past failures,
Crawling its way through child’s still unformed veins,
We all continue
Ignoring the sickness in the cosmos
The tortured monstrosity
We created.
Cycles upon cycles,
Circulating the
Star Child’s nightmare
That has imprisoned us all.
There’s no stopping;
Mindless procreation,
Suffocating skyscrapers,
Industrial fountains of waste,
Engineered animals in tortuous demise,
Children’s mangled hearts
Leaking at the end of a machine gun,
Surging apocalyptic technology revolution,
Nonsensical messages never sent,
Continents swallowed in atomic napalm clouds,
Brain matter painting white picket fences,
And all the deranged ignored ones
Slicing their wrists on flowered shards of glass
From the collapsing, overstuffed asylum
Given away to the syrupy nonsense of time.
The highway lies bleeding into an ugly haze,
Every motel forever on fire,
New Mexican sands erupted in technicolor mushroom clouds,
And at the moment of another
Ressurected miscarriage,
A time-warped bullet makes its way
Through JFK’s
Star-speckled head...
What am I doing in the midst
Of all this cataclysmic yet undying
Age of man?
Someone unplug the life support,
I’ve never had any control.
We're all nothing
But the nightmare manifestations
Of all the primeval Cold Star Children’s
Tortured imprisoned cosmic heads,
Possessed with the total disorder of
Unnecessarily elevated consciousness.
We may all simply be made from stardust,
And nothing more.
But either way
Nothing shines
Behind the great diseased fog of
That has long afflicted our hopeless lot.
Whatever may be,
Only one question remains;
So what?
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