Everything Ends.

art by Masahiro Ito I have nothing left I feel is worth saying. I oftentimes worry that the well of feelings and the words I have to poorly and spasmodically articulate those feelings has long since dried out. There's nothing left to say, there was never anything to say about myself or what I feel or what I think. Why should there be? Why should there have ever been? What am I to anybody or anything? Nearly every single time I put pen to paper or decided to endure the struggle to actually type something out it only ever feels like an attempt to inflate my woefully nonexistent ego. Like anything rattling around in my tired and, at this point, too old head is worth anyone to know - I'm just fooling myself. My words and my thoughts and my ideas deserve an audience? Permeance and preservation, even? I don't think so. I was not made for an audience. I was never under the belief that anyone out there would even care. I was not made for any...