No more of this.
I feel as if I am possessed by a divine sickness. A sickness with some sort of guiding philosophy far and above my own tired, mute, ineffectual understanding of this existence. This whole month has been dire, this whole year has been dire, and somehow last year was still worse. And the year before that started off in a fevered state of elation and surreal, unrecognizable happiness despite the stress, uncertainty, sickness, decay, and doom that was already digging craters out of my skull and sinking me into planned, conspiratorial oblivion. My words fail, wheeze pathetically, curl up, and die all around me. Reaching out is pointless. Communication gets more difficult by the day. Inconsistently taking multiple medications has turned my head into a mire bobbing with corpses upon corpses that shriek and send the stars down upon me at every step. My words are shattered and this life was never meant to be lived. The following “poem” is an excerpt, an unfinished failure, something I onc...