No more of this.
I feel as if I am possessed by a divine sickness. A sickness with some sort of guiding philosophy far and above my own tired, mute, ineffectual understanding of this existence. This whole month has been dire, this whole year has been dire, and somehow last year was still worse. And the year before that started off in a fevered state of elation and surreal, unrecognizable happiness despite the stress, uncertainty, sickness, decay, and doom that was already digging craters out of my skull and sinking me into planned, conspiratorial oblivion. My words fail, wheeze pathetically, curl up, and die all around me. Reaching out is pointless. Communication gets more difficult by the day. Inconsistently taking multiple medications has turned my head into a mire bobbing with corpses upon corpses that shriek and send the stars down upon me at every step. My words are shattered and this life was never meant to be lived. The following “poem” is an excerpt, an unfinished failure, something I once possessed a great idea for but allowed to die of fatigue and neglect. This is what is left, it doesn’t mean anything. This will be the last one from me for a while. I truthfully don’t want to go on for much longer, but that’s all I can do. There is nothing to worry about. “The key to joy is disobedience. There is no guilt, and there is no shame.”
Shattered Words
I can not remember feeling loved
The effect of being wanted
A cold chamber of flashing dawn
Hangs by a lonesome thread
My existence staggers onward in forced isolation
And amnesia
Towards any experience of ever feeling desired
Night’s diseased insects fall around me
And weave another prescription
To armageddon ideation.
Yet I remember my various bisected loves
As the eternal snake
Eating itself in rapturous tears
My place as the forked tongue
Milling around in your bullet wounds
I remember you heaving, naked, and haunted
Eyes rolling back into elsewhere and exodus
In the hotel room
Where stars absently peered in
As the makeshift dollhouse
Crumbled around us
And the roadkill circled in a festival
To the severance to ourselves
A commitment to ugly transparency.
And I remember the final shared ritual of self-mutilation
As I pumped more dirt into your blood
As I felt the possession of an unfamiliar smile
As your cigarette scabbed to my gums
As I took your fingers to guide my trembling tendons
As I saw your vision scrawl across the bloodied pages
Of my perpetually unfinished book.
As we exhumed each other
As I willingly let your needle blossom in my veins
As the skin-grafted tape deck slid into reverse
As the islands of our swapped entrails
Cauterized and weighed themselves to the bottom
Of an empty, unfathomable sea,
I once again dreamt your dream
Of a black expanding plume of funereal smoke
A wildfire of ruin
In total vortex stasis
Hovering and perpetually dismantling the frost-cloaked industrial park
Deserted factories
In the middle of blasted wastelands
And endlessly assaulting clouds of exterminator fumes
Producing strange artifacts
Of poisonous targeted nothings
Destructive philosophies
Personally assigned to every last remaining soul,
All artificial chemical birds burrow into their
Synchronized eyes
Your circulating gloom streams into the fabricated Interzone
And all the bleeding frenzy
Burst from collapsed eyesockets
Where you cleverly nestled
The emaciated, shivering, noxious worm
That I’ve become.
You wake up
And I turn to see…
Scintillating ocean of insect mannequins
Wrongly shadowed like smashed sundials
All with faces just like me.
Has it always been like this?
My words start uncontrollably swelling
As if in a corrupted womb
Tearing forth a new passageway
Through already strained, makeshift flesh
While my ghosts wallow
In all the trampled, breathing trinkets
You knowingly left behind.
Angelic doll vessels pulsate
With suits of wrongly stitched souls
Secret bone marrow
And gnawed at photographs
Crying with scrawled black ink
All collapse in twilight pools
In the viscious reflection
Unbound by light
I can see the last time
Your lips departed mine
And misted into wisps of decaying gears and cogs
Dying time inscribed on your tongue
I fell inside.
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